Transitional Services
Connecting Communities in Action’s Transitional Services are dedicated to providing opportunities, information, and support in an effort to help people of all ages achieve security, stability, and self-efficacy.
“Coming from where I come from I’m finding out how much CCA impacts the community — from food to housing to domestic violence — getting those people on the right track and seeing real success stories.”
Derby SRO Support Services
Site-based case management services are a requirement of tenancy at the Derby SRO (Single Room Occupancy) facility located in Olean, New York. On-site staff help individuals develop and implement long term plans for housing stability and increased self-efficacy. Increasing employment skills and service linkages are stressed.
Jefferson House Apartments Support Services
Located in Salamanca, New York, JHA is a Permanent Supported Housing Program for homeless households having at least one member with a documented disabling condition. One, two, and three-bedroom units are available. On-site case management services help tenants access services and support needed to stabilize housing and address barriers to future successes.
This program only accepts referrals from the Continuum of Care Coordinated Entry By-Name List. Please contact program staff for additional information.
Kinley-Hill Emergency Shelter
Located in Salamanca, New York, this facility provides emergency shelter services for homeless, single adults. On-site staff help individuals find and maintain permanent housing. Referrals required for admission.
Kinley-Hill Emergency SRO Support Services
Located in Salamanca, New York, this program offers 18 permanent supported SRO units for homeless, single adults. On-site staff help residents develop and implement long term plans for housing stability and increased self-efficacy. Increasing employment skills and service linkages are stressed.
Mental Health Services
CCA staff provide assessment and therapeutic interventions at various locations throughout the county, including the Cattaraugus County Department of Community Services clinic sites in Olean, Salamanca, and Machias, as well as in schools, medical clinics, and the Cattaraugus County Jail.
Mental health services are accessed through the Department of Community Services.
Continuum of Care (CoC)
Connecting Communities in Action, Inc. is a proud partner in the NYS Balance of State (BoS) Cattaraugus County Continuum of Care (CoC). The CoC is a network of local human services agencies collectively providing a full range of services to homeless and at-risk households. For additional information on the BoS, see the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance.
Local homeless data and system performance measures are maintained by the BoS Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) Administrator, CARES of NY. For additional information, and to access Cattaraugus County Homeless data, refer to the CARES website.
Cattaraugus County homeless issues are addressed by a local CoC Planning Body and General Partnership. Both groups are comprised of agencies that serve homeless or at-risk households. The CoC Planning Body is charged with coordinating the annual funding application process and ensuring compliance with CoC regulations, while the General Partnership serves as a networking and advisory group. Both meetings are open to the public, although participation in CoC Planning Body meetings is governed by the group’s by-laws. Meeting schedules for both groups can be found here:
Cattaraugus County uses a coordinated entry approach to allocating homeless housing resources to those most in need. Local Coordinated Entry written standards can be accessed here: CoC-and-ESG-Written-Standard-for-Coordinated-Entry
Finally, the local Planning Body is tasked with using a transparent process to allocate resources during the annual funding application process. The Planning Body’s policy for review, ranking and prioritizing projects for funding can be found here: CoC NOFA REVIEW & RANKING POLICIES