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Please use the hotline for an immediate response:


Domestic Violence and Prevention Services


Connecting Communities in Action’s Victim Services is dedicated to:

  • Providing advocacy to victims of crime

  • Creating an aura of safety

  • Changing public attitudes regarding victims’ culpability

  • Building skills and self-esteem to ensure recovery


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Domestic Violence Residential Program

Emergency Safe Dwelling licensed by the State of New York to provide temporary housing for domestic violence victims and their children.

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Domestic Violence Non-Residential Program

24-Hour Hotline, counseling, advocacy, court accompaniment, and other support services to victims. Group counseling support provided.

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Children’s Program

Educational groups and individual counseling sessions with a Child Specialist to teach non-violent alternatives to children from violent homes.

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Rape Crisis Program

24-Hour Hotline, counseling, advocacy, court accompaniment, prevention education, partnerships with medical providers, support groups for adults and children.

Serving Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties.

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OVS Compensation Claims Assistance

Provides an opportunity for crime victims to apply for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses as a result of a crime. This program offers compensation assistance to victims through the NYS Office of Victim Services.

Serving Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties.

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Crime Victim Program

Comprehensive crime victim and witness assistance program. Provides advocacy, counseling, and court accompaniment to any victim of a crime.

Serving Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties.

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Violence Prevention Initiative

Coordination of county-wide Violence Prevention Task Force; coordination of responses to crimes against women; and preparation, dissemination, and training on the protocol for responses for victims.

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OVW Program

Providing services to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Allegany County is the focus of this collaboration. Partners include ACCORD Corporation, the Probation Department, and the Sheriff’s office. Outreach and education, as well as direct services, are emphasized in this rural approach.

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CPS/DV Collaboration

Works collaboratively with the local Department of Social Services on cases with domestic violence. This program provides immediate services to children and victim parents through collaborative safety planning, linkages to the rest of Victim Services programming, and provides information and referrals to available resources for victims of domestic violence and their children.

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Prevention Education Program

Provides awareness, education, and outreach activities to schools, organizations, and service providers in the community. Activities are designed to increase prevention and awareness for sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, and healthy relationships. Resources are provided to victims of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking on college campuses in Cattaraugus and Allegany Counties.

Serving Allegany and Cattaraugus Counties.


Contact Victim Services 

Please use the hotline for an immediate response:  

***24-HOUR VICTIM SERVICES HOTLINE: 1-888-945-3970***