Youth & Family Services
A Division of Resilient & Healthy Families
Connecting Communities in Action’s Youth & Family Services Division is committed to providing unified, strength-based solutions that are family-driven and in collaboration with local resources, which empowers families to succeed. By providing preventive outcome-based and goal-driven programs, we provide opportunities for families to achieve safety, permanency, and well-being.
Families and Schools Together (FAST Program)
School-based and family-based approach to out-of-home placement of at-risk youth in all school districts throughout Cattaraugus County. Referrals are generated from the Juvenile Needs Task Force.
Attendance Support Program (Truancy Prevention)
Connecting Communities in Action has partnered with Olean City Schools, Gowanda Central, Cattaraugus-Little Valley Schools, and the Cattaraugus County Department of Social Services to address the issues of truancy and tardiness by working with the students, educating parents and guardians, and assisting the school system in establishing Attendance Support Teams and guidelines.
Family Group Conferencing
This program, currently offered by Connecting Communities in Action and Parent Education Program, involves a strength-based approach for families and others to come together to make a plan for their child(ren) to keep them safe and provide permanency. It enables children to strengthen relationships and vital attachments with family, community, and culture. During the conference, an information-sharing time is spent with the family and other key supports (either personal or professional), who review the family strengths and concerns and exchange information. The family then spends time to discuss and make a plan of their own. The plan is then discussed, and DSS agrees with the plan as long as it keeps the child(ren) safe and is in his/her (their) best interest.
CPS Contract Case
Referrals are received from Child Protective Services throughout the county. The program focuses on a family’s strengths, rather than the CPS report. The goals of the program are to prevent the need for future CPS involvement, help families develop neighborhood and community-based supports, and to engage the families who are experiencing challenges early, and provide support to build family resiliency.
3rd Party Service Plan Reviews
Contracted by the Department of Social Services, CCA serves as an independent reviewer/facilitator for child welfare cases where service plans are required to assure the safety, permanency, and well-being of children. The 3rd Party Reviewer is responsible for scheduling, facilitating, and monitoring that plans and recommendations are being made and services are being documented.
School/Home/Community Liaison
Partnership between Olean City School District and the Community Schools Program with CCA. The Liaison is available, by referral, to provide specialized services for the Olean Community Schools programs in relation to parents, students, school staff, and the community at large. Primarily, referrals are made to assist families in a time of need by meeting with them and connecting them to services in the community. In addition, the Liaison plans and schedules family engagement activities, both large events and small group workshop-type classes for those within the Olean City School District.
Home Visiting Program
An in-home parenting program that provides parenting skills and structure in a one-on-one setting. This program addresses safety and risks in the home and works on identifying goals within the family. Referrals for this program are made by the Cattaraugus County Department of Social Services and other agencies within the County of Cattaraugus.
Parenting Workshop
A seven-week parenting class that uses the Active Parenting Model. Parenting skills are taught in classroom/group settings. If interested in attending or learning more about the Parenting Workshop, you may contact Connecting Communities in Action and ask for the Parent-Aide Programs.
Programming assists Cattaraugus County caseworkers in addressing safety issues and concerns within the home setting. Pop-In visits are unannounced visits that occur at various times to ensure needs and goals of the family are being met.
supervised visitation
Arrangements are set up by Cattaraugus County, enabling non-custodial parents to have access to their children in a safe environment. Supervised visits are utilized as a safety measure to ensure that children are safe, while also allowing parents to build relationships with their children. Parenting skills and support are provided to both the parents and the children during the visits.
New Pathways to Responsible Fatherhood Initiative
This initiative is designed to help fathers and those in a father-like role improve their economic stability, develop and maintain healthy relationships, and develop/improve responsible parenting skills. The focus of the group is to promote fatherhood and the importance of being a positive role model for children. The group is open to any male who plays a role in a child’s life (Father, Step-Father, Grandfather, Uncle, Friend).
safe harbour/csec
A systems-level, trauma-informed approach to the prevention and identification of, and service provision to survivors of commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) and child trafficking. This collaborative program leverages existing local resources to create a more effective and efficient coordinated response to youth who have been identified as survivors and those considered at-risk. CCA’s role is to provide awareness and training. The CAC (Child Advocacy Center) provides direct service. This service is offered as a collaboration between Connecting Communities in Action, Inc., Cattaraugus County Department of Social Services, and the Child Advocacy Center.